Now Singing: Fridays @ Noon ( Yes! Mar. 7, 14, 21 No: Mar. 28, Apr. 4 Yes! Apr. 11, 25 No: Apr. 18 )
@ Taborspace, in the (beautiful!) Sanctuary.

Exploring the intricacy and depth of a single raga melody, in elaborate free improvisation, with as much personality and verve as I can muster.

Long, free, ornate, traditional.
And, on a different footing.
how would i describe the footing?
depth, peace, wonder, gift.

All are welcome, regardless of payment. Those who can and will, $10 - 20 suggested, which you can provide prospectively or retrospectively at any time with the 'pay now' link below on this page.

Notably, Taborspace also offers a *lovely* coffee service, hosted in the bell tower (!), & served into a generous Commons, adjacent to and continuous with the Sanctuary, both with stained glass, lofty ceilings, "ample space and cozy, studious vibes."

It's very true.
So, come early. :)

email me:

[ gautam tejas ganeshan library ]


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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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(includes venmo option)

100 songs: [ on these songs ] ; [ on the gathering vs. the recording ]
Gautam Tejas Ganeshan / 100 songs